MiND Workshop

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MiND (Microaggression Intervention at Notre Dame) is a workshop created to educate Notre Dame students about how to maintain a welcoming space for all students at the University. It provides students the space to have conversations around race, understand the nature of racial microaggressions, and to develop skills necessary to become active bystanders when racial microaggressions occur. 

Although a single program, policy, or workshop will not solve the issues faced by students, the hope is that the ND community becomes aware of the impact of racial relations on campus and work towards making collective changes that overtime help our campus become a more inclusive and welcoming space for everyone at Notre Dame.

The one-hour MiND workshop is facilitated by both the MSPS assistant director for diversity education and outreach and the MSPS senior Fellows. If you wish to request MiND in your residence hall, student club, or student organization, please use this link.